

HOW to avoid complications with a tiny yorkie and an anaesthetic….


We must all realise that having an anaesthetic carries certain risks, be it for us humans or an animal………..   so one way or another, there is always a risk factor.

There are certain anaesthetics available that are supposedly 100% safe. The vets who work on the smaller Yorkies, seem confident that the risk to the animal well YORKIE in this case is minimal.

If we accept there is a risk factor to us as humans, does that stop us from having surgery?????? NO not at all. We put our faith in the Doctor and Anesthetist and we proceed with the surgery.

You have to do the same when it comes to you and your pets, dog, cats YORKIES ……………..  I insist on all my dogs irrespective of size being sterilized…at a young age.  WHY because a sterilized animal is a far more stable, happy and healthy animal.  Many folk over the years have said they would rather not sterilize because of the fear of the dog dying on the table…..  Does this happen?  In very rare cases.  One must also realise, you have a bitch (female) dog, and you do not sterilize her for fear of her dying under anaesthetic.  It was thought before if a dog had pups she would be very unlikely to develop mammary cancer, however this has been proven to be incorrect. Mammary cancer is also developed in breeding dogs.  Pyametra, infection of the uterus, if this goes undetected for a period of time, the chances are very good that the bitch will end up having to be sterilized. The risk to her at this stage is not purely the anaesthetic, but the fact that she has a major infection in her body, which would cause her to become weakened and debilitated. HER risks now are far greater of dying on that table than when she was 6 months old.

In all my years’ experience with rescue, Yorkies, Persian cats, and a good few other animals, I have had one yorkie die after a caesarian,   1 black swan die – under the second anaesthetic. One other yorkie die under the second anaesthetic….. severe damaged jaw from a dog fight.

If you consider that these fatalities span over 30 something years, and many animals later, is it really such a risk??????


Some information you should consider when an animal dog, yorkie especially the smaller yorkie needs an anaesthetic.

  • Dentals, teeth scaling, needs NO anaesthetic. One specialist will do the scaling with no sedative either. I have concerns that this is very nerve wracking for the dog concerned.  The dog need only be sedated for a dental,,,,,,
  • The smaller Yorkies – DO NOT STARVE them. This not eating from the night before, for surgery to take place sometime during the following day is not acceptable. We have seen a death of a small yorkie this week, that was starved and operated on a good few hours later, the following day and died.
  • The small yorkie can eat prior to surgery, and the vet need only wait a couple of hours to ensure the dog will not vomit under anaesthetic.   There is a particular brand of anaesthetic that can be used, and the dog does not threaten to vomit while under aneasthetic. How do I know this?  I have had a good few girls have caesars over the years, Dogs that should be able to deliver normally, but for one or other reason, do not. USUALLY they just do not push, a very common problem with the Yorkie. My dogs are not nervous and if they happen to be in labour and breakfast lunch or dinner is at that time, they will eat their food. They will never not eat because of labour.  If I see there is a problem, puppy is stuck or too far a distant between pups being born, etc, and they need a Caesar, (I never wait for long periods of time) they have that Caesar as soon as possible. Sometimes it is within an hour.  Recently my one girl had a pup stuck, she had delivered three and then the fourth was in the wrong position, so we needed to Caesar. I called the vet to make arrangements from the time of my call to him, her taken to the vet, having the Caesar, coming around from that Caesar, and coming back home, the time period was less than an hour.  The vet concerned has been my vet for over 10 years, from the time we first moved into this area. 


SECOND anaesthetics in close proximity to the first anaesthetic, can be extremely dangerous.

I have seen it happen to a friend of mine.

It has happened to me with a yorkie and a breeding black male swan.


Anaesthetics in close succession can be fatal. IF at all possible keep a good break in between.